序號 | 教師姓名 | 計畫年度 | 計畫名稱 |
01 | 許 昕 | 99 | 微循環血流變異度之研究與評估指標開發 Study on the variability of microcirculatory blood flow 計畫編號:99-2221-E-011-155-MY2 |
02 | 101 | 微循環血流變異度分析應用於中風非侵入式診斷指標之研究 Development of noninvasive diagonosis index based on microcirculatory-blood-flow-variability analysis on stroke patients 計畫編號:101-2221-E-011-001-MY3 |
03 | 104 | 微循環血流變異度分析應用於癌症非侵入式診斷指標之研究 Developing detecting index for cancer by using microcirculatory-blood-flow variability indexes 計畫編號:104-2221-E-011-170-MY3 |
04 | 107 | 結合微循環血流變異度分析應用於大腸直腸癌之非侵入式量測系統開發 Development of noninvasive measurement system by using microcirculatory-blood-flow-variability analysis on colo-rectal-cancer patients 計畫編號:107-2221-E-011-014- |
05 | 108 | 結合血壓波形量測分析與人工智慧判讀乳癌輔助偵測系統之開發 Development of noninvasive early-detection system for breast cancer using AI analysis of arterial blood pressure and blood flow signals 計畫編號:108-2221-E-011-112- |
06 | 109 | 運用循環血流量測人工智慧分析開發穿戴式復健療效評估裝置 Development of wearable monitoring device for rehabilitation efficacy using AI analysis of arterial pulse and blood flow signals 計畫編號:109-2221-E-011-029- |
07 | 111 | 結合非侵入式脈波量測與機器學習分析進行新冠疫苗於心血管副作用評估之研究 Using noninvasive pulse measurement and machine-learning analysis to evaluate the cardiovascular side effects induced by administrating COVID vaccine 計畫編號:111-2221-E-011-017-MY2 |
08 | 113 | 以血管老化非侵入式脈波偵測技術應用於老人慢性疾病風險預測 Noninvasive pulse-wave detection technology of vascular aging applied to risk prediction of chronic diseases of elders 計畫編號:113-2221-E-011-023- |
09 | 王靖維 | 101 | 新精準三維量化動脈硬化之醫學影像技術研發 Reconstruction of 3D Morphology and New Quantification Approach of Atherosclerosis 計畫編號:101-2628-E-011-006-MY3 |
10 | 104 | 跨染色組織切片資訊融合與立體腦神經4D影像註冊之全自動醫學影像技術開發 Development of full automatic image registration methods for cross-staining microscopic images and 3D brain circuits reconstruction 計畫編號:104-2221-E-011-085- |
11 | 104 | 全自動智慧影像觀測呼吸行為與異常辨識 Automatic intelligent video monitoring of breathing behavior and detection of abnormal breathing events 計畫編號:104-2622-E-011-006-CC2 |
12 | 109 | 深度學習技術與系統開發應用於乳癌與婦科癌症分析 Deep Learning Technology and System Development in application to Gynecologic Oncology 計畫編號:109-2221-E-011-018-MY3 |
13 | 112 | 開發人工智慧提升病理診斷精確度、精進婦科癌症治療決策與預後評估 Develop artificial intelligence to improve the pathological diagnosis, treatment decision-making and favorable assessment of prognosis for gynecologic oncology 計畫編號:112-2221-E-011-052- |
14 | 113 | 開發深度學習病理系統應用於子宮內膜癌、結腸癌之精準醫學癌症治療策略擬定 Development of Deep Learning Systems in Computational Pathology for Precision Oncology of Endometrial Cancer and Colorectal Cancer 計畫編號:113-2222-E-011-003-MY3 |
15 | 許維君 | 99 | 步行至移動表面時動作調控之生物力學分析:年齡、視覺刺激及表面速度之影響 Biomechanical analysis of locomotor adjustments when walking onto a moving surface: effects of age, visual stimulation, and surface speed 計畫編號:99-2218-E-011-033- |
16 | 100 | 中老年人步行啟動及行走至不同速度移動表面及不同視覺刺激回饋時預期性及反應性之動作調控分析 Anticipatory and reactional locomotor adjustments during gait initiation and when walking onto a moving surface with different surface speeds and visual stimulations in the middle-age adults and the elderly 計畫編號:100-2221-E-011-056- |
17 | 100 | 以生物力學觀點開發羽球鞋-子計畫二 : 以運動傷害防治為基礎之羽球鞋設計研究 Design of Badminton Footwear Based on Research of Injury Prevention and Control 計畫編號:100-2622-H-011-001-CC3 |
18 | 101 | 結合動作擷取系統與人體動作模型開發高爾夫球即時揮桿動作檢視器 Development of Golf Real Time Motion Detector with Motion Analysis System and Human Movement Models 計畫編號:101-2622-H-011-002-CC3 |
19 | 102 | 動作想像訓練於桌球接發球運動之應用 Motor imagery training in table tennis serves-receiving 計畫編號:102-2628-H-011-004-MY2 |
20 | 104 | 具踏力對稱性視覺回饋之坐式踩踏訓練對健康年輕人、健康老年人及單側偏癱中風患者之踩踏及行走功能的立即及長期影響之生物力學分析 Biomechanical analysis of the immediate and long-term effects of seated stepping training with exertion symmetry biofeedback on stepping and walking performance in healthy young and older adults, and patients with hemiplegic stroke 計畫編號:104-2628-E-011-006-MY3 |
21 | 106 | 肌肉收縮型態和阻力等級於肌力訓練之效應-智慧型划船機研發之應用 The effect of contraction type and level of resistance on strength training - the research and development of an intelligent rowing training machine 計畫編號:106-2622-H-011-003-CC3 |
22 | 107 | 人工智慧輔助高風險落地動作之膝關節運動傷害機制快速診斷及分類 Artificial intelligence to aid rapid diagnosis and classification of high-risk landing - Study on Mechanism and Solution of Knee Joint Injury 計畫編號:107-2410-H-011-022-MY3 |
23 | 108 | 於多自由度纜繩機台訓練之肌筋膜鏈收縮型態研究-不同姿態擺位、收縮模式及阻力大小之影響 The multi-dimension training with cable machine for myofascial chains activation-the effect of posture, contraction type and levels of resistance 計畫編號:108-2622-H-011-001-CC3 |
24 | 109 | 新型羽球鞋墊對於羽球選手運動效能之影響與運動傷害之預防 Impact of new badminton shoe sole design on badminton players' performance and injury prevention 計畫編號:109-2622-H-011-004-CC3 |
25 | 110 | 整合人工智慧與擴增實境之多元動作監控裝置設計-應用於膝關節運動傷害及退化之研究 Design of a device integrating artificial intelligence and augmented reality for assisting multiple movements monitoring – investigation on the application for sports injuries and osteoarthritis at the knee 計畫編號:110-2410-H-011-032- |
26 | 110 | 全身性高強度間歇訓練與耐力訓練之力學與生理效應:拳擊腳踏車之運動處方設計與驗證 The biomechanical and physiological effects of whole body-based high-intensity interval training and endurance training: the design and validation of exercise prescription in a boxing-bicycle 計畫編號:110-2622-H-011-001- |
27 | 111 | 整合人工智慧與擴增實境之多元動作監控裝置設計-應用於膝關節運動傷害及退化之研究(II~IV) Design of a device integrating artificial intelligence and augmented reality for assisting multiple movements monitoring – investigation on the application for sports injuries and osteoarthritis at the knee(II~IV) 計畫編號:111-2410-H-011-006-MY3 |
28 | 111 | 擊拳力學參數分析之運動訓練板開發及其搭配市售運動器材建構肌少症運動處方與成效評估 Development of guidelines for the adjustment of exercise prescription using sports equipment–the home-based, community-based and institutions-based randomized controlled trial for investigating the long-term effects of exercise 計畫編號:111-3114-8-011-001- |
29 | 112 | 國際合作鏈結法人-開發用於孤立受限和極端環境中保持和監測身體狀況的平台 Development of the platform for maintaining and monitoring the physical conditions in isolated confined and extreme environments 計畫編號:112-2923-H-011-001-MY3 |
30 | 112 | 守護無限綻放的力與美-守護無限綻放的力與美(1/4) Guarding the infinite blooming power and beauty(1/4) 計畫編號:112-2425-H-011-001- |
31 | 113 | 守護無限綻放的力與美-守護無限綻放的力與美(2/4) Guarding the infinite blooming power and beauty(2/4) 計畫編號:113-2425-H-011-001- |
32 | 林上智 | 99 | 高風險性之脊椎微創手術的影像數位整合教育訓練平台-高風險性之脊椎微創手術的影像數位整合教育訓練平台 Image-based Integration Platform for Digital Education and Training of High Risk Spinal Invasive Surgery 計畫編號:99-2321-B-011-001- |
33 | 102 | 以影像為基礎之膝關節手術後定位與磨損狀況的判讀與臨床應用 Automatic Model-based Roentgen Stereophotogrammetric Analysis (RSA) of Total Knee Prostheses to Predict Intercomponent Alignment and Polyethylene Wear 計畫編號:102-2221-E-011-059- |
34 | 103 | 以內插法與X光立體技術為基礎的人工膝關節動態模擬與磨損分析研究 Kinematic Analysis of Knee Prosthesis by Interpolation and Roentgen Stereophotogrammetric Analysis (RSA) 計畫編號:103-2221-E-011-005- |
35 | 104 | 以分析人工膝關節取出物磨損情形為基礎之X光立體影像定位技術精確性與應用性之研究 The research of the accuracy and application for roentgen stereophotogrammetric analysis by analyzing the damage of retrieval of total knee replacement 計畫編號:104-2221-E-011-067- |
36 | 104 | 產業升級創新平台輔導計畫(協助傳統產業技術開發計畫)-數位科技化選鞋新模式:臨床、健康與文創的創新應用 計畫編號:104-2745-8-011-002- |
37 | 104 | 產業升級創新平台輔導計畫(協助傳統產業技術開發計畫)-數位科技化手術器械開發 計畫編號:104-2745-8-011-005- |
38 | 107 | 後十字韌帶取代型人工膝關節的脛骨樁柱磨損分析-以X光立體定位技術與取出物交叉分析 The wear analysis of the tibial post in posterior stabilized knee prosthesis - cross analysis by radiostereometric analysis(RSA) and retrieval 計畫編號:107-2221-E-011-054- |
39 | 109 | 基於表面的蜂窩結構的屈曲前和屈曲後的機械研究:設計、優化、分析和高速積層製造 Investigation of Buckling and Post-buckling Behavior of Surface-Based Cellular Structures: Design, Optimization, Analysis and High Speed Additive Manufacturing 計畫編號:109-2222-E-011-005-MY2 |
40 | 112 | 端對端型微血管吻合手術器械開發與驗證 Development and Validation of End-to-end Anastomosis Devise 計畫編號:112-2314-B-011-003- |
41 | 廖愛禾 | 99 | 使用總體經驗模態分解法改善超音波肝腫瘤對比劑影像 Using EEMD to Improve Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound Liver Tumor Imaging 計畫編號:99-2218-E-011-031- |
42 | 100 | 以聚焦式超音波調控磁振微氣泡包覆腦腫瘤藥物之釋放以及療效評估 Estimate the efficiency of focused ultrasound mediated drug release of drug loaded MRI microbubbles in brain tumor 計畫編號:100-2628-E-011-015-MY3 |
43 | 103 | 超音波微泡系統輔助微創手術診斷治療之應用 The application of theranostic microbubble ultrasound system for the minimally invasive surgery 計畫編號:103-2221-E-011-004-MY3 |
44 | 105 | 液態經皮傳遞輸送系統於經皮穿透藥物傳輸之效能測試 Estimation the transdermal drug delivery efficiency of the handheld liquid gene delivery system 計畫編號:105-2622-E-011-021-CC3 |
45 | 106 | 多功能外用型超音波微氣泡裝置之開發於促生長與抗發炎之應用 Development of multifunctional external used ultrasound microbubbles device for the application of growth promotion and inflammatory inhibition 計畫編號:106-2221-E-011-043-MY3 |
46 | 108 | 微氣泡複合醫材結合超音波於頭頸部疾病及腫瘤免疫治療之開發 Microbubbles based combined medical device for promoting head and neck disease treatment and cancer immunotherapy 計畫編號:108-2221-E-011-161-MY4 |
47 | 112 | 開發智能型微氣泡-超音波無針給藥系統促進核糖核酸干擾之藥物治療 The developments of an intelligent microbubble-ultrasonic needle-free injection system for RNAi drug delivery enhancement 計畫編號:112-2221-E-011-026-MY3 |
48 | 白孟宜 | 99 | 新型態包覆顯影劑與藥物之奈米有機高分子粒子的合成與其在藥物傳輸和醫學影像上之同步雙功能應用 Novel Organic Polymer Nanoparticles Co-encapsulating Drug and Contrast Agent: from Syntheses to Their Applications in Drug Delivery and Medical Imaging 計畫編號:99-2218-E-011-032- |
49 | 100 | 利用多層毛細管式電紡技術開發多功能型創傷止血敷料 Utilizing Multi-capillary Electrospinning Technique to Develop Novel Hemostatic Wound Dressing 計畫編號:100-2221-E-011-069- |
50 | 101 | 標靶性奈米藥物載體之開發與應用 Development and applications of nanosized drug-carriers 計畫編號:101-2221-E-011-053- |
51 | 102 | 一種純天然奈米藥物載體之開發與其在皮膚痤瘡上之應用 Developing a nanosized drug carrier composed of natural materials and exploring its application on acne treatment. 計畫編號:102-2221-E-011-070- |
52 | 103 | 一種純天然電紡不織布敷料之開發與其在皮膚創傷口上之應用 Developing an electrospun nonwoven mat composed of natural materials and exploring its efficacy on wound recovery 計畫編號:103-2221-E-011-127- |
53 | 104 | 一種具有雙功的主被動標靶性化療藥物載體粒子製劑的開發與應用改良 Development and applications of a bi-modality drug carrier for treatment of hepatic cancer 計畫編號:104-2221-E-011-086- |
54 | 106 | 一種具化療與熱治療功能的海藻膠體藥物制放系統的開發與其在腹膜轉移癌上的治療應用 A Development of Alginate-based Drug Vehicles with Chemotherapeutic and Hydrothermal Function and Investigation of Its Efficacy for Treating Peritoneal Metastatic Carcinoma 計畫編號:106-2221-E-011-032- |
55 | 106 | 一種具高吸收性、止血與抗沾黏的加壓止血貼開發 Development of a compressing bandage with highly absorptive, hemostatic, and anti-adhesive functions 計畫編號:106-2622-E-011-002-CC2 |
56 | 107 | 具濕潤顯示型多孔性親水敷料系統套組的開發與應用: 由基礎研究至雛型應用系統的建立 Development and Application of foam-based Hydro-responsive Wound Dressing Kit 計畫編號:107-2221-E-011-046- |
57 | 108 | 多酚類化合物應用於具有光分解與指示功能電紡不織布薄膜試紙的研究與開發: 探討其於空氣汙染源阻斷上之效能 Synergistic photodegradation and photoindication function of nonwoven mat indicator based on polyphenol derivatives 計畫編號:108-2221-E-011-113- |
58 | 109 | 多酚類化合物應用於具有光分解與指示功能電紡不織布薄膜試紙的研究與開發 (2): 探討其於空氣懸浮粒子阻斷與殺菌上之效能 Synergistic photodegradation, photoindication and photoconditioning function of nonwoven mat indicator membrane based on a series of polyphenol derivatives 計畫編號:109-2221-E-011-036- |
59 | 111 | 微氣泡懸浮液載體系統與微創手術之整合:以婦科手術為例 Integration between Innovative Microbubble Drug Delivery System and Minimally Invasive Surgery: A Proof-of-Concept Demonstration on Ovarian Cancer Surgery 計畫編號:111-2221-E-011-151- |
60 | 113 | 一種具病原體指示與治療型的電紡敷料研發與其機制探討 Development of An Electrospun Nononwoven Mat Dressing with Anti-scar and Pathogen Indication Functions: Preparation and the Exploration of its Mechanism studies 計畫編號:113-2221-E-011-028- |
61 | 高震宇 | 100 | 生物可降解聚縮酮共聚物高分子之合成與其應用在藥物載體及藥物制放之研究 Biodegradable polyketal copolymers as carriers for drug delivery applications: synthesis, design and characterizations 計畫編號:100-2221-E-011-014- |
62 | 101 | 口腔多功能藥物制放系統對抑制口腔發炎及抑制白色念珠菌之研究 A novel polymeric device for delivery of anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal drugs in the oral enviroment 計畫編號:101-2221-E-011-021- |
63 | 104 | 以生物可降解高分子顆粒粒包覆疏水性與親水性藥物並研究其在抗癌及抗發炎之效果 Co-delivery of hydrophobic and hydrophilic drugs by biodegradable polymer nanoparticles for anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory therapies 計畫編號:104-2221-E-011-065- |
64 | 106 | 合成新穎抗發炎高分子生醫材料及研究其在製備奈米藥物載體之應用 Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Anti-inflammatory Polymers and Their Applications as Nanocarriers in Drug Delivery 計畫編號:106-2221-E-011-033- |
65 | 108 | 新型幽門桿菌培養系統及其在評估藥物傳輸系統之應用 Novel Helicobacter pylori cultivation system and its applications in evaluation of drug delivery system 計畫編號:108-2221-E-011-157- |
66 | 109 | 以3D列印技術建立人類消化道模擬系統並應用在評估益生菌抑制幽門桿菌之效用 Evaluation the inhibitory effect of Probiotics on Helicobacter pylori infection by using a dynamic gastrointestinal simulator via 3D printing technology 計畫編號:109-2221-E-011-080-MY2 |
67 | 111 | 利用新穎去細胞技術製備不同來源之細胞外基質水膠並用於肺部傳輸的研究 Preparation and Investigation of Novel Decelluarized Matrix Hydrogels for Pulmonary Delivery 計畫編號:111-2221-E-011-024- |
68 | 112 | 開發與評估新型3D動態腸道上皮細胞培養系統 Development and evaluation of novel 3D dynamic intestinal epithelium culture systems 計畫編號:112-2221-E-011-025- |
69 | 113 | 開發細胞外基質與外泌體之肺部傳輸方法並評估其應在用大鼠急性肺損傷治療之效果 Developing pulmonary delivery methods of extracellular matrix and exosomes and evaluating their effects on the LPS-induced acute lung injury model in rats 計畫編號:113-2221-E-011-025- |